Northbound train pete droge
Northbound train pete droge

Samm winced while watch­ing his part­ner Gary, across the table, per­spir­ing over his work, cran­ing his red, irri­tat­ed neck inside his col­lar and mak­ing grunt­ing and snort­ing nois­es that sound­ed like he was mov­ing his bow­els, or god for­bid, hav­ing sex. Maybe that’s life though, he thought, maybe you leave the naïve opti­mism of youth behind you and set­tle for what you can get, which in his case was a shit­ty job and lone­ly nights in one-horse towns through­out south­ern Wisconsin. He remem­bered when he’d felt inspired, even though he couldn’t quite remem­ber what being inspired felt like.


Samm won­dered how his life got this way, rec­ol­lect­ing vague­ly a time when life seemed excit­ing, full of pos­si­bil­i­ty, promise even.

northbound train pete droge

Less than three hours into a four-day job Sam was nine­ty per­cent fin­ished with the work and his bore­dom had reached such a pitch that he was now not­ing the times and direc­tions of the Wis­con­sin Cen­tral-Cana­di­an North­ern freight trains as they rum­bled along the tracks behind the bank. Samm not­ed this on a piece of scrap paper along with the word “north­bound”. Sit­ting in a stale con­fer­ence room at the back of the First Secu­ri­ty Bank of Wau­nau­kee Wis­con­sin work­ing on an audit for the State Bank Exam­in­ers office he looked at his watch. Although in the­o­ry an event may occur, sta­tis­tics have told us that in real­i­ty when the prob­a­bil­i­ty of an event occur­ring is very, very small, then there is essen­tial­ly zero chance of it occurring.” This might occur once in the myr­i­ad of a bil­lion years and there­fore that rare occur­rence might occur right now, but it won’t. We need only the patience to wait for the ran­dom vibra­tions of all the mol­e­cules from which the paper is com­posed to align in the upward direc­tion. This, in fact, can occur and if we wait long enough it will occur. “It is as if we were to say that a book on a shelf will of its own accord jump upward.

Northbound train pete droge